Plans don’t always pan out, and this writing devotional practice is proving very challenging. So challenging that I feel like I’m being repetitive in my expression of considering taking a break!
I want to so much. Something in me is screaming that I need to.
I need a breather! Juggling life events with cultivating ones creativity isn’t always easy. But I want to show up for myself in the midst of it all.
Even if it means writing this on the day of posting… again! Even if it means writing a few lines just to tick this day as completed!
Ahh life is such a journey. You can plan things ahead of time all you want, but there's no guarantee that things will happen the way you envision. So much is unknown. Such has been my experience of late. I don’t feel powerless, but I do feel like the current is taking me down stream and I don’t have the option to hop off right now!
So… I ride the wave
I write
Paddle on and be brave
Thank you for reading and journeying with me.
u go baby 🌊🩶